Tag Archives: tips

Faktor Resiko Cidera Saat Bermain Golf

Apakah kamu tahu bermain golf bisa menyebabkan cidera? Bagi para pemula harus lebih hati-hati saat akan mencoba bermain golf. Kamu tidak harus menjadi pemain golf profesional untuk merasakan cedera, sebab bermain golf itu butuh tenaga, keterampilan, dan ketekunan ekstra. Golf adalah olahraga yang memiliki faktor risiko rendah untuk menyebabkan cedera. Tetapi hal ini sangat bergantung pada […]

Mengapa Bola Golf Dibuat Berlubang

Apakah kalian tahu bentuk bola golf? Mengapa bola golf dibuat ‘Lubang’ dan tidak rata seperti bola pada umumnya ya? Yuk kita simak penjelasan nya! Permainan bola golf adalah permainan luar ruang yang dimainkan secara perorangan maupun secara tim yang berlomba untuk memasukkan bola ke dalam lubang-lubang yang berada di lapangan dengan jumlah pukulan tersedikit mungkin. […]

Tips Memaksimalkan Hasil Latihan saat Berada di Driving Range

Driving range hadir sebagai tempat para pegolf berlatih maupun melakukan persiapan sebelum terjun ke golf course. Tak hanya para pemula yang datang ke tempat ini, namun juga banyak pegolf profesional yang datang ke driving range. Para profesional ini biasanya datang untuk berlatih pukulan, mengasah teknik teknik mereka, hingga jadi tempat mereka untuk mencoba perlengkapan yang […]

4 Facts about Tiger Woods, Golfer With Total Wealth Reaching IDR 11.2 Trillion

Tiger Woods became trending after his accident in Los Angeles. As a result he suffered injuries and had to perform surgery on his leg.  This was confirmed by Woods’ manager, Mark Steinberg who said,Tiger Woods suffered several injuries to the leg and immediately received surgery. “Woods has suffered multiple injuries to his leg. He is […]

Areas in the Golf Course

There are several areas on the golf course and of course each area has a different function. For the record, if playing golf, one should be aware of the area called the bunker. If the ball enters the area, every golfer will have difficulty. The following areas are contained in the golf course: Teeing Area […]

The Old Links, The Oldest Golf Course

There is no doubt that Scotland is called the Home Country of Golf. According to literature, the word golf itself comes from the Scottish word ‘kolf’ which means ‘stick or bat’. In addition, the first written rules governing the game of golf, official golf tournaments and (of course) the first permanent golf course and the […]

Parahyangan Golf Bandung, The Best Golf Course in Indonesia

The Bandung golf awards won the best golf course award in Indonesia. 2021 version of world golf awards. According to the official information the comp.com received, Thursday (11/11/2021), this award is based on a seven-month vote taken this year. Golf parahyangan is a unique course because it is in the reservoirs’ reservoir area, so it […]

The Right Standing Position When Playing Golf For More Optimal Swing Results

Game of golf aims to move the ball from one place to another with as few strokes as possible. To do this, of course, the right standing position in playing golf takes part in addition to the accuracy in swinging the golf club. For the ball bat, how to stand facing the ball just before […]

Here Are Some Fundamental Tips for Playing Golf for Golfers The

Sport of golf is certainly not an easy sport, the sport of golf requires certain techniques and a long practice time to get the most out of playing golf. Many of the beginner golfers do not pay attention to the basic things that make it wrong when playing golf. Therefore, in this article, we will […]

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